nSource Lab 应用

La Biblia Reina-Valera Antigua 1.9
nSource Lab
La Biblia Reina-Valera Antigua fue traducidapor primera vez y publicada en 1569 por Casiodoro de Reina enBasel, Suiza después de doce años de trabajo intenso por la primeraBiblia en Español. La traducción es basada en el texto original engriego y en hebreo y también incluye los libros deuterocanónicosdel Antiguo Testamento.La sumamente popular y ampliamente usada Biblia en Español tuvosu primera revisión editorial en 1602 por Cipriano de Valera, quiendio más de veinte años de su vida a esas revisiones y mejoras. Lassiguientes revisiones de la Biblia Reina Valera en 1862, 1909, 1960y 1995 empezaron a omitir más los libros apócrifos y consubstituciones por una traducción con lenguaje más moderno.La más comúnmente usada Biblia por cristianos de habla hispanaalrededor del mundo es la revisión de 1960.Facilidad de estudiar la Biblia con nuestra aplicación seconsigue en presencia de los siguientes:- La aplicación funciona sin conexión a Internet;- Posibilidad de la búsqueda;- Capacidad para aumentar / disminuir la fuente;- Posibilidad de crear un número ilimitado de pestañas para unversículo en particular, uno de los libros;- Cuando la asignación de poemas de interés pueden copiarlos, oenviar un mensaje;- Capacidad para desplazarse a través de los botones devolumen.Nuestro equipo no está en su lugar, y tiene como objetivo mejorarla funcionalidad de sus aplicaciones.The King James VersionBible was first translated and published in 1569 by Queen Casiodoroin Basel, Switzerland after twelve years of intense work by thefirst Bible in Spanish. The translation is based on the originalGreek and Hebrew and also includes the deuterocanonical books ofthe Old Testament.The most popular and widely used Bible in Spanish had its firstedited in 1602 by Cipriano de Valera, who gave more than twentyyears of his life to these revisions and improvements. Thefollowing revisions of the King James Bible in 1862, 1909, 1960 and1995 began to skip over the apocryphal books and substitutions by atranslation in modern ways.The most commonly used Bible for Spanish speaking Christiansaround the world is the 1960 revision.Ease of studying the Bible with our implementation is achievedin the presence of the following:- The application works without an Internet connection;- Ability to search;- Ability to increase / decrease the font;- Ability to create an unlimited number of tabs to a particularverse, one of the books;- When assigning poems of interest can copy, or send amessage;- Ability to scroll through the volume buttons.Our team is not in place, and aims to improve the functionality oftheir applications.
Короткие и смешные анекдоты 1.3
nSource Lab
Плохое настроение настигло врасплох? Мы спешимк вам на помощь! В нашем веселом приложении собраны лучшие шутки ианекдоты, которые обязательно понравятся людям, по-настоящемуценящим хороший юмор и забавные приколы. Наша большая коллекциясодержит смешные короткие анекдоты, которые способны за считанныеминуты подарить вам отличное настроение и зарядить позитивнымиэмоциями.У нас никогда не бывает неактуальных юмористических рассказов,которые успели всем порядком надоесть. Мы публикуем исключительносамые смешные и свежие анекдоты. Наш сборник регулярно обновляется,а шутки - одна лучше другой! Подарите себе и своим близкимискренний смех!Очень надеемся, что новые анекдоты, доступные в приложении, смогутзначительно развлечь вас и заставят хоть на время забыть опроблемах, грустном настроении и скуке.Смейтесь от души!Требует подключение к интернету.Caught up in a bad moodby surprise? We hasten to the rescue! In this fun app contains thebest jokes and anecdotes that are sure to please people, trulyappreciating good humor and funny jokes. Our large collectioncontains short funny jokes, which are capable of a few minutes togive you a good mood and positive emotions.We never irrelevant humorous stories, which had all the orderbored. We publish only the most funny and fresh anecdotes. Ourcollection is updated regularly, and jokes - one better than theother! Treat yourself and your loved ones a sincere laugh!We hope that the new jokes that are available in the applicationwill greatly entertain you and make you forget for a while aboutthe problems, sad mood and boredom.Laugh from the heart!Requires internet connection.
Memory 2 (Animals) 1.2
nSource Lab
A memory game: memorize the location ofidentical chips and try to find all matches for the fewest numberof movements. Memory training is very important for preschoolers,it helps the child's development and success achievements ineducation. The combination game «Memory 2, a memory game» is agreat instrument for that. Children's memory works so that a childgrasps everything that he is interested in. A colorful, brightinterface helps children to stay concentrated. This game will alsohelp adults to strengthen memory by daily workouts. English andRussian languages are supported.
King James Version Bible - KJV 2.2
nSource Lab
The Holy Bible. King James Version. All Testaments. Study Bibleoffline.
La Biblia. Sagradas Escrituras 1.9
nSource Lab
The Bible is poured directly from the original Hebrew and Greektexts.
La Biblia del Jubileo 2000 1.4
nSource Lab
Traducida de los Textos originales en Hebreo yGriego al Español por Casiodoro de Reina (1569) y cotejada con larevisión de Cipriano de Valera (1602)Apoyada en el Nuevo Testamento de Francisco de Enzinas (1543) yen el Nuevo Testamento (1556) con los Salmos (1557) de Juan Pérezde PinedaY cotejada posteriormente con la traducción antigua de WilliamTyndale al Inglés (Nuevo Testamento de 1534) y con la VersiónAutorizada (King James) de 1611.Facilidad de estudiar la Biblia con nuestra aplicación seconsigue en presencia de los siguientes:- La aplicación funciona sin conexión a Internet;- Posibilidad de la búsqueda;- Capacidad para aumentar / disminuir la fuente;- Posibilidad de crear un número ilimitado de pestañas para unversículo en particular, uno de los libros;- Cuando la asignación de poemas de interés pueden copiarlos, oenviar un mensaje;- Capacidad para desplazarse a través de los botones devolumen.Nuestro equipo no está en su lugar, y tiene como objetivo mejorarla funcionalidad de sus aplicaciones.Translated from theoriginal Hebrew and Greek texts into Spanish by Cassiodorus Queen(1569) and compared to the review of Cipriano de Valera (1602)Supported in the New Testament of Enzinas Francisco (1543) andthe New Testament (1556) with the Psalms (1557) by Juan Perez dePinedaAnd then collated with the former translation of William TyndaleEnglish (New Testament, 1534) and the Authorized Version (KingJames) 1611.Ease of studying the Bible with our implementation is achievedin the presence of the following:- The application works without an Internet connection;- Ability to search;- Ability to increase / decrease the font;- Ability to create an unlimited number of tabs to a particularverse, one of the books;- When assigning poems of interest can copy, or send amessage;- Ability to scroll through the volume buttons.Our team is not in place, and aims to improve the functionality oftheir applications.
Indonesian Holy Bible: Alkitab 1.8
nSource Lab
Offline Bible Christianity translated into Indonesian from originallanguages.
World English Bible (WEB) 1.7
nSource Lab
World English Bible is a revision of the American Standard Version.Offline app.
Tagalog Holy Bible: Ang Biblia 1.7
nSource Lab
Tagalog Bible has got all chapter of all Testaments.
Die Luther Bibel Offline 2.0
nSource Lab
The text of the Bible in the liturgical books used.
Amharic Holy Bible (Ethiopian) 1.8
nSource Lab
Ethiopia Holy Bible. All Testaments.
Malayalam Holy Bible Offline 1.7
nSource Lab
Bible in Malayalam language - സത്യവേദപുസ്തകം. All Testaments.
Holy Bible in Latin 1.6
nSource Lab
The Latin Vulgate is an early 5th century version of the Bible inLatin.
Hebrew Names Version Bible 1.4
nSource Lab
The Hebrew Names Version (HNV) of the World English Bible is aModern English update of the American Standard Version. Benefits ofapplication: - The application works without an internet connection(offline); - Ability to search; - Ability to increase / decreasethe font; - Ability to create an unlimited number of tabs to aparticular verse, one of the books; - If you are interested in theallocation of poems you can copy or send a message; - Ability toscroll through the volume buttons. Our team is not in place, andaims to expand its functional applications. User guide: Each menuitem is a separate book, and each separate page in one of the booksis the head. Place the cursor instead of the chapter number andenter the chapter number. Thus, you will not have to scroll all thechapters, selecting interesting.
Study Weymouth Testament (WNT) 1.6
nSource Lab
It accessible to Christian readers of all denominations. Read Bibleoffline.
Bible Offline in Basic English 1.6
nSource Lab
This version is effective to those where English is a secondlanguage.
Read Marathi Bible Offline 1.7
nSource Lab
Marathi Holy Bible (मराठी बायबल) has got all chapter of allTestaments.
Tamil Holy Bible: வேதாகமம் 1.8
nSource Lab
Tamil Holy Bible. All Testaments. Read daily app offline.
The Message Bible 1.7
nSource Lab
For more than two years, Eugene Peterson devoted all his efforts toThe Message New Testament. His primary goal was to capture the toneof the text and the original conversational feel of the Greek, incontemporary English. He hoped to bring the New Testament to lifefor two different types of people. The first group were those whohadn't read the Bible because it seemed too distant, irrelevant,and antiquated. The second group were those who had read the Bibleall their lives but now found it "old hat," so familiar that theywere no longer startled by the truth of its message. Language isalways changing. When we hear something over and over again in thesame way, we can become so familiar with it that the text loses itsimpact. The Message strives to help readers hear the living Word ofGod the Bible in a way that engages and intrigues us right where weare. The Message is designed to be read by contemporary people inthe same way as the original koiné Greek and Hebrew manuscriptswere savored by people thousands of years ago. Some people like toread the Bible in Elizabethan English. Others want to read aversion that gives a close word-for-word correspondence between theoriginal languages and English. Eugene Peterson recognized that theoriginal sentence structure is very different from that ofcontemporary English. He decided to strive for the spirit of theoriginal manuscripts to express the rhythm of the voices, theflavor of the idiomatic expressions, the subtle connotations ofmeaning that are often lost in English translations. The goal ofThe Message is to engage people in the reading process and helpthem understand what they read. This is not a study Bible, butrather "a reading Bible." The verse numbers, which are not in theoriginal documents, have been left out to facilitate easy andenjoyable reading. The original books of the Bible were not writtenin formal language. The Message tries to recapture the Word in thewords we use today. Benefits of application: - The applicationworks without an internet connection (offline); - Ability tosearch; - Ability to increase / decrease the font; - Ability tocreate an unlimited number of tabs to a particular verse, one ofthe books; - If you are interested in the allocation of poems youcan copy or send a message; - Ability to scroll through the volumebuttons. Our team is not in place, and aims to expand itsfunctional applications. User guide: Each menu item is a separatebook, and each separate page in one of the books is the head. Placethe cursor instead of the chapter number and enter the chapternumber. Thus, you will not have to scroll all the chapters,selecting interesting.
Study Dutch Bible Offline 1.8
nSource Lab
The Statenvertaling is the Bible translation in the Dutch language.Read Bible.
Douay-Rhiems Catholic Bible 2.2
nSource Lab
Translation of the Bible from the Latin Vulgate into English.
Swahili Holy Bible 1.8
nSource Lab
Swahili Bible - Biblia Takatifu ya Kiswahili. All Testaments.
Библия. Синодальный перевод. 1.7
nSource Lab
Bible. King James translation. Translations of the Old Testamentand the New Testament.
Study Norwegian Bible: Bibelen 1.6
nSource Lab
Norwegian Holy Bible. All Testaments. Read bible daily offline.
Read Finnish Bible offline 1.6
nSource Lab
Bible translation into Finnish. All Testaments.
Kannada Bible (ಬೈಬಲ್) 1.6
nSource Lab
Kannada Bible has got all chapter of all Testaments. Read offlineapp.
Study Hindi Bible (बाइबिल) 1.7
nSource Lab
Hindi Holy Bible in his pocket. Read app offline.
Study German Bible Offline 1.9
nSource Lab
Translation of the Bible into German - Elberfelder Bibel. AllTestaments.
La Bibbia. Giovanni Diodati. 1.9
nSource Lab
Giovanni Diodati was the first to translate the Bible into Italian.Offline app.
Study French Bible Offline 1.8
nSource Lab
A revision of the French translation, was long well much valued inBritain.
Urdu Holy Bible: انجیل مقدس 1.7
nSource Lab
Urdu Bible has got all chapter of all Testament. Read app offline.
Young's Literal Translation 1.7
nSource Lab
YLT is a translation of the Bible into English. Study daily Bibleoffline.
Punjabi Holy Bible - ਬਾਇਬਲ 1.7
nSource Lab
Punjabi Bible has got all chapter of all Testaments. Read daily appoffline.
Study Hungarian Bible Offline 1.6
nSource Lab
Magyar változat Biblia.
Arabic Holy Bible 1.5
nSource Lab
Arabic Bible has got all chapter of all Testaments.
Study American Standard Bible 1.7
nSource Lab
American Standard Version,a revision of the King James Version.Read app offline
Armenian Holy Bible 1.6
nSource Lab
The Holy Bible (Աստվածաշունչը) in the Armenian language.
Georgian Bible 1.6
nSource Lab
The Holy Bible (ბიბლია) in the Georgian language.
Malayalam Holy Bible Offline 1.7
nSource Lab
Bible in Malayalam language - സത്യവേദപുസ്തകം. All Testaments.
Библия. Современный перевод. 2.1
nSource Lab
Это бесплатное приложение, которое позволяет просматриватьвсюмудрость современной Библии с помощью нескольких щелчков ибезнеобходимости подключения к Интернету. Святая Библияимеетсовременный перевод всех глав Ветхого Завета и НовогоЗавета.Удобство изучения Библии с нашим приложением достигаетсяприналичии следующего: - Приложение работает без подключениякинтернету; - Возможность поиска по ключевым словам; -Возможностьувеличить/уменьшить шрифт; - Возможность делатьнеограниченноеколичество закладок на конкретный стих, одной изкниг; - Привыделении интересующих стихов их можно скопировать, либоотправитьсообщением; - Возможность прокрутки стихов кнопкамигромкостизвука. Наша команда не стоит на месте, а нацелена нарасширениефункционала своих приложений. Руководство пользователя:Каждыйпункт меню представляет собой отдельную книгу, а каждаяотдельнаястраница в одной из книг - это глава. Чтобы сразу перейтинаинтересующую вас главу в книге, поместите курсор вместономератекущей главы и введите необходимый номер.
Bíblia Sagrada em Português 2.6
nSource Lab
The Holy Bible was originally translated by King James.
Italiano Riveduta Bibbia 1.9
nSource Lab
The special feature of this Bible is that it goes with thedevelopment of the Italian language
Bible en Français Louis Segond 1.0.1
nSource Lab
The Holy Bible Segond is a Bible translation in French
La Bible Catholique Crampon 1.0.1
nSource Lab
Catholic translation of the canon by Augustine Crampon, 1923version. Offline app.
Bíblia Católica Ave Maria
nSource Lab
Holy Bible Catholic Ave Maria in Portuguese withoutinternet.Offline app.
English Yoruba Bible (Bibeli) 1.0.2
nSource Lab
Bibeli Mimo (Bíbélì Mímọ́) and English Bible Offline (KingJamesVersion Bible).
English Swahili Bible Takatifu 1.0.1
nSource Lab
English KJV (King James Version) and Swahili Biblia.Offlinebilingual app.
Study English Tagalog Bible 1.0.2
nSource Lab
Tagalog Bible Offline (Ang Biblia) and English King JamesVersionBible (KJV)
Tamil & English KJV Holy Bible 1.0.2
nSource Lab
Tamil English Bible Offline. Version bilingual Bible. வேதாகமம் app.